As the last week of February came along, I felt like the month had blown past and left us all in behind. That is until I sat down to put this newsletter together. I realized quickly it was a busy month with lots of bonding, growing, and overall positive forward movement for our Liberty family! Make sure to check out our new segment, “Where’s Jerry?” Learn more than you ever wanted to about our busy company dad's schedule. But, he’s like a cool dad, one that you drink a beer with and learn all the stuff you would learn if you were on the Chatahoochie.
Congratulations to the San Jose office for winning the coveted Liberty Cup for the month of January!
This is a prestigious award that dates back to the cradle of civilization itself. Tribes would weigh their crops in a golden chalice and the winner would get to govern till the next harvest. The chalice and the freedom that comes with ruling gave birth to the name Liberty Cup.
San Jose was excited to receive the cup, their hard work paid off and they are not ready to let it go. They have even gone so far as to hire a guard dog! The dog's name is Pickett (no relation to our very own Jerry Pickett.) Truth be told. I made up the dogs name.
Dan has a quick message to the rest of the offices, he has enjoyed the sweet taste of a Pilsner direct from the cup and he won't let go He has the thrills for the pils, I don’t blame him!
Some of you may have noticed the lack of Jer Bear (that's my adorable and completely original nickname for Jerry, I have to assume I am the first and only person to use this) roaming around your office. Let not your heart be troubled, he is here. In true Jerry fashion he has detailed his entire month for us, to tell you the truth I am surprised his BM’s aren’t included [side note: I have been assured they are healthy and regular, he credits this to a plant based diet.]
Check out this interactive presentation/ creative masterpiece!
According to legend, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge, and he wrote her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell before his execution. Valentines day can be a great time to show the ones we love how much we care, so this newsletter is dedicated to my valentine, my Liberty family! Each and everyone of you are my Valentine, and if I were to be executed I would hand write a note signed “Your Valentine” before the ax came down. (I would most def ask for death by ax, with a dude in a mask, and when he took the mask off it would be Sir Anthony Hopkins.)
Now here are some pictures of our offices celebrating this day of love!
Poppin' Bottles y'all! Family celebration time!!! The OC office got together and gave a toast over some champagne to congratulate Abby on her recent engagement! You had me at drinks!
OC celebrates National Margarita Day! They shut down the office an hour early on Friday and got the weekend off to a great start by celebrating national margarita day! Yay for fake holidays perpetuating our nations problem with consumerisim!
Shout outs! We can't stop talking about each other and it's a good thing!
"I want to give a shout and great big thank you to Christine Wigginton. She consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty to help the commercial lines team with billing and training if needed. She has the unusual quality of being able to think like both an Account Manager and accounting person, which is an extremely valuable quality. The bottom line is she makes our lives easier and I am very grateful for her knowledge and positive nature when helping!"
-Mary Lock
Have a coworker, boss, or Kip that you would like to give a pat on the back to? Give 'em a shout out! Click the link above and let us know what's going on! |
Have a suggestion? Above is a box to put it in! It's anonymous so let us know how you really feel! |
“Minglin’ With Monica” We have done it again, Monicas have Mingled and you all can't wait, and you don’t have to!!!
What is your biggest triumph?
Monica Gomez-
Me alive at almost 40 is a triumph in and of itself. But one that I am proud of still to this day, is surviving and owning the Santa Monica Mountains. I had just started mountain bike riding and a 10 mile ride was a long one to me. My sister and I decided to go for a ride one morning and we ran into her friend, who was in her late 50’s, mind you, and an avid rider. She asked where we were headed to which I say, “Up and down the canyon. I just starting riding and I am trying to get up to the fire road and back out.” Side note - Up the canyon to the fire is only 4 miles with 1000 feet in elevation gain, so this whole trip would have been 8-9 miles depending on where we parked. She says, “ You guys should join me, for a ride. I am doing an easy one.” To which I responded, “Oh, I am just a beginner. Do you think I can do it?’ “Oh yeah, this is an easy ride. Just follow me”, she says. Off we went. Half way into the ride, I wanted to give up so badly, but I couldn’t. How would I get home? Where exactly was I? I was nauseous, ran out of water, was overheated and getting the chills…yes, a mild heat stroke. I couldn’t go further so my sister’s friend guided us back to the car and then she continued on to the second part of her ride. That ride turned out to be 40 miles. My sister’s friend had taken us from Brentwood to the Valley and back. Not a beginners ride at all, but I made it.
I would say surviving National Margarita Day, last Friday, is my biggest triumph. Coming in at a very close second is convincing an underwriter to FINALLY quote and bind an account. Not sure if you guys are aware, but Liberty Mutual has a monoline cargo program. Our new underwriter has declined all my submission. I have pointed that the prior underwriter has quoted and bound similar risks, but this guy just wouldn’t budge from declining everything. That all changed in February, when I convinced him that his reason for declining the risk was the very reason that he should reconsider and quote the account. He took a second look, quoted it and we bound the account.
As we all know, there are certian traditional gifts for anniversarys. According to a quick Google search I found some odd things for our family members, the interwebs says 1 year anniversaries should get a paper clock, and our big 5 year gets Wooden Silverware. Which is odd because wouldn't it be called wooden flatware, as it is not made of silver if it is wood? I am confused, so I say get Adam a twig that he can poke his food with and get Jeff, Bonnie, and Ana a piece of paper. Sounds legit.
Jeff Knowles- 1 year
Adam Baillie- 5 years
Bonnie Meylor- 1 year
Ana Rovang- 1 year
Remember it was Christine's birthday this month! If you didn't say Happy Birthday please flood her inbox now with messages of love and good will! A new month and a new set of questions. Does Christine Approve? |
What does the Fox say?-
So annoying!! Thumbs down!
LANN-Fish do go blub tho..... |
February 23rd? -
My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! Thumbs Up!!!!!!!
LANN-Happy Birthday!!! |
The Little Mermaid??-
My daughter's favorite movie! Thumbs Up
LANN- I also wanna be where the people are! |
Mumble Rap?-
Not for me. Thumbs down
LANN- ......i am confused as well
Bette Midler?-
Beaches! I cry every time. Thumbs Up!
LANN- For The Boys has one of the best soundtracks in the past 30 years! |
Mini Lee- 2/1
Rick Butts-2/2
Dan McKenna-2/3
Cheri Amaro- 2/4
Jerry Pickett-2/5
Gerri Tomlinson-2/7
Mary Lock-2/10
Carrie Lapse-2/15
Tom wasiewicz- 2/19
Christine Wigginton-2/23
Birthdays are here!
Check out this extremly steril description of birthdays from Wikipedia! Be more fun when you say Happy Birthday to these family members!
In many parts of the world an individual's birthday is celebrated by a party where a specially made cake, usually decorated with lettering and the person's age, is presented. The cake is traditionally studded with the same number of lit candles as the age of the individual, or a number candle representing their age. The celebrated individual will usually make a silent wish and attempt to blow out the candles in one breath; if successful, a tradition holds that the wish will be granted. In many cultures, the wish must be kept secret or it won't "come true". Presents are bestowed on the individual by the guests appropriate to her/his age. Other birthday activities may include entertainment (sometimes by a hired professional, i.e. a clown, magician, or musician), and a special toast or speech by the birthday celebrant. The last stanza of Patty Hill's and Mildris Hill's famous song, "Good Morning to You" (unofficially titled "Happy Bithday to You") is typically sung by the guests at some point in the proceedings. In some countries a pińata takes the place of a cake |
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